About Margo

Margo Mansfield, M.A.

Margo Mansfield, M.A., internationally known speaker, master trainer, mentor, and organization development consultant.

I am passionate about the transformation of my clients as they discover the secrets of becoming secure under stress.  I firmly believe that people can learn to use stress as an experience of unleashing their greatest potential in ways that they never understood was possible.  And, as a contribution to their health and well-being instead of at a cost.  

When I refer to this passion statement, what I mean is that when working with leaders and their team members who are facing a future of changes, known and unknown, that are wrought with stress, my gift to them is the magic of proprietary knowledge and experience that brings life-long skills.  

My journey began at 18 as a result of a critical car accident.  My face and left leg were severely scarred.  The resulting trauma led me on a journey through numerous surgeries, a mental health crisis, and recklessness leading eventually to physical healing, spiritual growth,  more formal education, contemplation, and life-changing decisions.  

When I was 18, I clearly recall my third visit to a well-respected psychiatrist for support in my healing.  As I was talking, he fell asleep!  I was stunned and traumatized.  I immediately walked out of his office and down the long gloomy but well-lit hallway. I remember, as if it were yesterday, the resolute decision that I made in my soul.  At that point, I knew I would have to figure this out on my own.  I didn’t know it then, but that was the beginning!  The start of my journey to create my own business.

That journey took several years with one pivotal experience after another compiling my book of knowledge and wisdom as I evolved. Each of these encounters with both formal and informal teachings provided answers to my healing questions and techniques I could apply to the business world.  My personal evolution effectively built my business.   I learned that the depth of my trauma was not an uncommon experience for others.  It was just that my journey was individualized to me, just as it is with everyone else. Understanding this stirred my passion to share what I learned with others.  That is the heart and soul of my business.


"Ms. Mansfield has coached the agency's senior leaders to better utilize their inherent strengths and identify areas for improvement." 
- Jan Smallwood, Human Resources Director, Department of Licensing, State of Washington


Margo Mansfield has spent the past 45 years specializing in the development of emotional literacy in the transformation of stress. 

She works with individuals and business leaders to engineer organizational transformation through the understanding of personality differences and building skills to address those differences using the proprietary Reality Security Inventory. 

Beginning with the identification of personality characteristics using the Reality Security Inventory, Ms. Mansfield matured and expanded her repertoire of knowledge and skills to include hiring, placement, leadership development, retention of employees, personal and organizational transformation as well as a suite of mentoring and coaching options.   Teaching self-awareness in emotional literacy and the dynamics of stress provide the ideal toolbox for transformation.   From her vast experiences in these areas of endeavor, she has conceptualized and developed her own unique way of working with people and organizations. 

Ms. Mansfield received her B.A. in Sociology from the University of Hawaii, Honolulu, Hawaii, and her M.A. in Holistic Health Counselling from Antioch University of Honolulu, Hawaii.  

As President and Founder of Consulting Associates International, Inc. and The School of Holistic Management, Margo has worked with thousands of clients, including the University of Hawaii School of Business Administration, the American Montessori Society, Hawaii Institute of Management and Analysis in Government, the Navy Public Works Department, Washington Special Olympics, Hawaii Special Olympics, Honolulu Publishing, New York Life Insurance Co.,  Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co., Sheraton Princeville Hotel, The Navy Exchange, Washington Department of Licensing, King County IT department and the Westin Seattle.

Prior to Ms. Mansfield becoming an entrepreneur, she served as director of Metroplex, Inc, a human services development corporation in St. Louis, Missouri; Director of Community Programs for the Portland Metropolitan Steering Committee in Portland, Oregon; and Regional Representative and Treasurer for the National Association for Community Development, part of the Office of Economic Opportunity under the presidency of John F. Kennedy.

Ms. Mansfield was the first President of the Montessori Community School Board of Directors in Hawaii, the first President of the Small Business Administration’s Women in Business Committee in Hawaii, a member of the Unity Church Board of Directors in Honolulu, Hawaii, and a Trustee of the Children’s School of Excellence in Yelm, Washington.  

Today, Ms. Mansfield resides in Olympia, Washington, where she enjoys gardening and traveling.

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